Your Inner Voice: Illusions or Reality?

By: Fred DeFalco As the seasons change and the air grows crisp, we find ourselves naturally drawn to introspection. This is a perfect time to delve into a profound and timeless topic: Your Inner Voice. This exploration will lead us into the depths of our innermost thoughts, as we seek to uncover the true essence […]
The Power of Light: Choosing Love Over Fear

By: Fred DeFalco This morning, I found myself standing outside, waiting for the sunrise. The first rays of light were supposed to arrive fifteen minutes ago, but they seemed delayed, hidden behind a thick blanket of clouds. As I stood there, the situation reminded me so much of our lives. How often do we find […]
Ego vs. Soul: The Battle Within and the Path to Wisdom, Peace, and Victory

By: Fred DeFalco Introduction In our journey through life, we often find ourselves torn between two powerful forces: the ego and the soul. Many want to blame unseen evil forces from without for all our conflicts and they call it sin, but it is just the programed belief systems of your true self within. These […]
Embracing Our Solar Purpose: Living with the Brilliance of the Sun

By: Fred DeFalco As the sun rises, casting its first golden rays over the horizon, it serves as a powerful reminder of the relentless consistency and profound impact of nature’s functions. This celestial giant, without fail, provides light, warmth, and energy, enabling life on our planet to flourish. It’s a daily spectacle of dependability and […]