The Power of Light: Choosing Love Over Fear

By: Fred DeFalco 

This morning, I found myself standing outside, waiting for the sunrise. The first rays of light were supposed to arrive fifteen minutes ago, but they seemed delayed, hidden behind a thick blanket of clouds. As I stood there, the situation reminded me so much of our lives. How often do we find ourselves in moments like this, frustrated by the dark clouds that seem to linger longer than they should? We struggle against them, trying to juggle our responsibilities, fears, and uncertainties, desperately wishing to remove the clouds that obscure our path.

But here’s the truth: We shouldn’t focus on removing the clouds. Instead, we should focus on the light.

Life, like this morning, has its share of darkness and clouds. But the law of divine intelligence, rooted in divine integrity, proves time and time again that light is always more powerful than darkness. The key is to keep the faith, keep moving forward, and most importantly, keep showing up.

Ignore the dark clouds. They may try to dominate the sky, but they are not as powerful as the light that will eventually break through. Look further and further above, and you’ll see that the light is there. It’s in your favor, always waiting to shine through if you allow it.

When you see dark clouds, envision the word FEAR written all over them. Then, start looking for the light, and see the word LOVE written across that light. In every situation, you have a choice to make. Will you choose FEAR, or will you choose LOVE? Will you let FEAR control your decisions, or will you walk forward in FAITH?

This is not just a choice for today but for every day. The light is stronger than the darkness; LOVE always wins. FAITH always wins. So, keep going, keep showing up, and remember: the dark clouds will disappear. The light is in your favor.

This is the story of our lives—right here, in these moments of choice. Light, love, and faith are always stronger than those dark clouds. The sunrise might be delayed, but it’s never denied. Keep looking up, and know that the light is always there, ready to shine through.

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